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Friday, March 1, 2013

James 3

1.       Why does the bible talk so much on taming the tongue?
2.       Why does lying grieve the Holy Spirit? Why is it such a big deal?
3.       How does this section relate to the overall theme of James?
4.       How can misuse of the tongue be damaging to our relationships?
5.       Read v6. How is the tongue like a fire?
6.       James introduces this section on speech with a warning to those who would be teachers of the faith. What do you think he means by “judged more harshly”? Why?
7.       How do you practice taming your tongue?
8.       What is the effect of sins and God’s forgiveness on taming our tongue?
9.       Proverbs 21:23 He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity. How does this relate to our passage? 

James 4

Ice breaker: In what ways are you worldly?
1.       The prescription to the problem seems to be to “humble ourselves,” “repent,” and “submit ourselves to God” (4:6-10). How would you define each of these?
2.       Verse 4:5 is awkwardly stated. What is it saying?
3.       How do you personally find your heart resisting complete and humble submission to God?
4.       Practically speaking, how do you humble yourself before God? how do you repent?
5.       A major way we exercise submission to God is by submitting to anyone in authority over us. How do you do with submitting to others? Why?
6.       In what ways did Jesus manifest submission and humility? How might you express your submission to him today? This week?
7.       How does this passage relate to the overall theme of James?
8.       Explain verse 9
9.       How have you experienced envy, rivalry, competitiveness, and ambition in the body of Christ?
10.   The beginning of this passage talks about being quarrelsome. How does this relate to worldliness? 

Monday, January 21, 2013

James 1: 2-4

1.       Is it easier to go through a crisis when you consider yourself blessed?
2.       How do you get to a point when you can automatically consider trials as blessings?
3.       What kind of issues can be brought to the surface when we go through trials?
4.       Is the outcome always patience?
5.       How does a crisis help us be more Christ-like?
6.       What is the difference between going through a crisis the human way versus the spiritual way?
7.       What does faith have to do with going through a crisis?
8.       What does it mean to consider you trials as blessings.
9.       Define joy.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Romans 8:31

"If God is for us, who can be against us?"

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Our unbelief may stop our ability to speak but it doesn't cancel God's plans
"What lies behind us and what lies before us is nothing compared to what lies within us."

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Bible Study: Matthew 20 + James 5:

1. Matthew 20:16 says “the last will be first and the first will be last.” What does this mean?
 2. What is it about humans that fairness plays such an important role in our lives?
 3. Why does fairness mean so much to us when we know life cannot be completely fair?
 4. We cannot earn our way with good works. So if you live a good life and your neighbor lives a sinful life, then asks for forgiveness, and you are both forgiven equally, then how is that fair?
 5. Are we allowed to do what we want with what we have? Or do we have to be fair?
 6. If we claim something is unfair, are being ungrateful? How? How are we like this in our day to day lives?
 7. Read James 5: 1-6. How do these sections relate?
 8. James 5 is a pretty harsh description of a sinful person. So if that person says, “God forgive me.” Are they at equal standing as someone who has continually lived a righteous life?
                   -You work hard in class and get good grades. A classmate slacks off then does a good job on the final assignment. You both end up with the same grade. Is this fair?
 9. Compare the farmer in James with the farmer in Matthew.
 10. According to James, how are we to live as Christians? It’s all God’s money so what does it matter if another worker got paid the same for less work?