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Friday, March 1, 2013

James 4

Ice breaker: In what ways are you worldly?
1.       The prescription to the problem seems to be to “humble ourselves,” “repent,” and “submit ourselves to God” (4:6-10). How would you define each of these?
2.       Verse 4:5 is awkwardly stated. What is it saying?
3.       How do you personally find your heart resisting complete and humble submission to God?
4.       Practically speaking, how do you humble yourself before God? how do you repent?
5.       A major way we exercise submission to God is by submitting to anyone in authority over us. How do you do with submitting to others? Why?
6.       In what ways did Jesus manifest submission and humility? How might you express your submission to him today? This week?
7.       How does this passage relate to the overall theme of James?
8.       Explain verse 9
9.       How have you experienced envy, rivalry, competitiveness, and ambition in the body of Christ?
10.   The beginning of this passage talks about being quarrelsome. How does this relate to worldliness? 

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